The basics of data recovery strategy

It is a common mistake that data recovery and backup strategy are the same? Obviously they are not. Data recovery strategy involves steps to follow when data loss occurs while backup strategy should prevent data loss. It is irrelevant how big your company is when it comes to data loss. Some believe that only largeContinue reading “The basics of data recovery strategy”

Data Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing security or cloud security refers to a set of policies, technologies, and controls deployed to protect data, applications, and the infrastructure in a cloud. There are several security issues related to cloud computing but mainly there are concerns with cloud service providers and ones related to their customers. In general, the provider mustContinue reading “Data Security in the Cloud”

The History of Data Storage

From the dawn of civilization people have sought a way to store information for long amounts of time, ultimately forever. Ancient Egyptians built pyramids with their inside walls covered with hieroglyphics and even had their rulers mummified. Today, in the era of Facebook and Twitter we are experiencing very similar problems on a different level.Continue reading “The History of Data Storage”